Amore Body Lab


How Does Skin Needling Work?

Collagen is an essential natural protein produced by the body. It’s a significant component of the skin that helps improve skin’s overall health. However, as we age, the production of collagen decreases. Due to this, age spots appear and skin scarring becomes more visible.

Skin Needling Perth is a technique that involves injecting a series of microscopic needles into the top layers of the skin. It creates punctures to stimulate the skin’s natural healing process and rapid production of collagen and elastin. The result is cellular regeneration and revitalised skin.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

It can be used in practically every part of the body, but most commonly in parts where ageing tends to be more noticeable such as the face, neck, décolletage and back of the hands. Areas, where you have scarring or stretch marks, can also be treated.

What are the Benefits / Results To Expect From Skin Needling?

Patients come in with different skin-related concerns. Fortunately, skin needling can help alleviate most of them. Skin needling creates micro-injuries that stimulate healing and diminish cellular damage. It increases blood flow specifically to the treated area and remodels the scar tissue.

Benefits After a few treatments are; Reduced scarring related to acne or wounds, Lesser appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, Minimised pores, Firmer skin (less skin sagging), Even-toned skin.

Overall, the benefits of Skin Needling are skin rejuvenation and skin renewal, resulting in clearer, softer, smoother and brighter skin — everything that a youthful skin looks and feels.

What Are Some Skin Conditions That Benefit From Skin Needling? 

– Scarring
– Acne scars
– Trauma scars
– Ageing
– Age or “sun spots”
– Fine lines and wrinkles
– Sagging skin
– Enlarged pores
– Stretch marks (weight loss)
– Stretch marks (pregnancy)
– Alopecia/Hair Loss Rosacea
– Stubborn Acne
– Uneven skin tone
– Skin pigmentation


Pre and Post Care for Fat Cavitation

Fat cavitation is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that helps break down fat cells. To achieve the best results and ensure a smooth recovery, follow these essential pre- and post-care guidelines.


Pre-Treatment Care:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drink at least 2 liters of water daily for two days before your session to help your body flush out fat.

  2. Healthy Diet: Eat a low-calorie, low-fat, and low-carb diet for at least 24 hours before your treatment to encourage fat breakdown.

  3. Avoid Alcohol & Caffeine: Stay away from alcohol and caffeine for at least 48 hours before your session, as they can dehydrate your body and slow down fat elimination.

  4. Clean Skin: Do not apply lotions, creams, or oils on the treatment area on the day of your appointment.

  5. Medical Consultation: If you have any medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes, consult your doctor before undergoing fat cavitation.


Post-Treatment Care:

  1. Keep Hydrated: Continue drinking at least 2 liters of water daily for several days after the treatment to aid fat elimination.

  2. Maintain a Healthy Diet: Stick to a low-fat, low-sugar diet for at least 72 hours post-treatment to enhance results and prevent new fat accumulation.

  3. Exercise: Engage in at least 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise (like brisk walking) daily to help your body remove the broken-down fat cells.

  4. Avoid Alcohol & Caffeine: Refrain from alcohol and caffeine for at least 48-72 hours after your session to avoid straining your liver and delaying fat metabolism.

  5. Skin Care: Keep the treated area clean and dry, avoiding hot showers, saunas, or excessive sweating for at least 24 hours.

  6. Follow-Up Sessions: For the best results, a series of 6 to 12 sessions, spaced one week apart, is recommended.

By following these simple steps, you can maximize the benefits of your fat cavitation treatments and enjoy a smoother, more contoured body!


How Fast Will I See Results?
You begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment. Positive results are usually reported two to four weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatments.

Is There Any Downtime? Any Pre/Post Treatment Preparation?

It’s non-invasive and requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment preparation.

What Does It Feel Like?

It feels like an intensive workout. But you can lay down and relax during the treatment.

What are the contraindications?

If you have had a C-section with in the last year you can unfortunately not have this treatment. If you are Pregnant, Lactating or have a Heart or Lung Condition, Pacemaker, Implanted electrical device, Cancer, Epilepsy, Liver or Kidney Disease, Sufferers of Physiological Hypotonic conditions such as ME, Cardiovascular or Cerebral Disease, Systemic Immune System (HIV or AIDS), Blood Clotting Disorders such as Thrombosis , DVT & Haemophilic or taking blood thinning medications, Hernia or weakened stomach muscle walls, Metal IUD, Plates or pins in the body. We also do not treat anyone under the age of 18.


So What Is The Difference Between IPL and SHR?
IPL uses a single intense pulse of energy that is targetted at melanin, which makes it effective on dark and coarse hair. SHR, on the other hand, uses gentler pulses of energy at a higher frequency so the skin is heated gently. SHR uses low fluency repetitive laser pulses while providing concurrent contact cooling. The combination of the two makes the entire experience painless and provides permanent hair removal.

How Do I Get The Best Hair Removal Results?
In order to get the best results with IPL and SHR, one should undergo at least six to eight treatment sessions, at intervals of four to eight weeks. One must, however, keep in mind that success depends on the density and colour of the hair and the number of individual hairs that are in the active growth phase.

Shave before your treatment! By shaving, you allow the IPL and SHR energy to be fully absorbed by the hair follicles, thereby improving the effectiveness of the treatment. Ideally, shaving a day before treatment (most customers do that in the evening prior to their treatment). Shaving the day before your treatment is recommended and you may shave again twenty-four hours after treatment unless you are told otherwise. For the face, it is best to leave the area untouched for your first treatment or only use hair removal creams specifically for sensitive skin at least 5 days prior.

What Else Is There To Know About IPL and SHR?
SHR uses new technology that gradually heats the skin until the required level of heat/energy is delivered directly to the hair follicle, all without causing trauma to skin that contains high pigment count or dark skin types! This unique method also allows for increased treatment results in fair skin and blonde hair.

When you get the laser done you are killing your active hair follicles which will typically fall out somewhere between 1-4 weeks. Most of hair fall out will not be coming back again …same process “rinse and repeat”. You have to keep doing this until you have less than 95% hair follicles growing.

HIFU Facelifting

Why Aftercare Is Important For HIFU Facelift Treatments
The reason aftercare is very important is because of the complications that might occur after the HIFU treatment. So to get the most, it is important that you strictly follow the aftercare procedures for HIFU Facelift treatment to increase the effectiveness. Lazily adhering to the aftercare practices may result in hyperpigmentation.

The major purpose of cosmetic treatment is to overall health, happiness, and look. You are correcting the errors and damage done by improper skincare and environmental effect. In this regard, skin treatment is a waste of time if an effective aftercare procedure is not followed to ensure effective results that can stand the test of time.

Proper aftercare will

  • Reduce the risk of complications
  • Enhance your results
  • Less chance of wasted efforts

In a nutshell, we will have you know that the aftercare procedure is just as important as the main process itself. But before we get to the aftercare aspect of the HIFU facelift treatment, let’s take a look at what you need to do before the treatment procedure proper.

What To Do Before Treatment
Exposure to the sun burns the skin and sunburned or (recently) tanned skin cannot be treated with HIFU. Also, all chemicals which irritate the skin should be avoided as this may prevent treatment. We also want you to know that you should avoid taking antibiotics if you are considering taking the HIFU skin treatment. This is because some antibiotics might make you become light sensitive.

The implication is that your treatment will have to be postponed for two weeks after the completion of antibiotics treatment. That said, here are some precautions to be taken before the HIFU treatment proper.

Day Before Treatment
The HIFU facelift treatment process is considered to be relatively safe. However, people who want to undergo HIFU treatment must not have a history of cold sore or fever before treatment. Cold sores will impair the treatment process. The HIFU treatment cannot also be carried out while they have a fever. In such cases, the treatment can only be done after recovery from either the cold sore or the fever. You want to make sure that you are free from any of these health issues at least the day before the HIFU treatment.

Day Of Treatment
It is important that on the day of the treatment, all forms of make-up and moisturizers should be avoided. So let’s assume that you are healthy and have no histories that might impair the HIFU treatment process, it is advisable that you arrive early at the treatment center. This will keep you relaxed and will kill any form of anxiety. You might wonder why anxiety is an issue since HIFU facelift treatment is painless and non-invasive.

The thing is that some patients have fear about treatment procedures; it is, therefore, important for such a patient to take antianxiety medication before treatment. It is imperative that patients who take such antianxiety medications should come with someone who will drive them home after the treatment procedure.

HIFU Aftercare Checklist
It is important for patients who have undergone HIFU skin treatment to understand how to care for their bodies after the treatment in order to prevent complications and side effects that can minimize the gains of the treatment.

This is especially so because it will help to increase the chances of success. So let’s take a quick look at some things that patients who have undergone the HIFU treatment have to stick to by all means. Well, that is if they want to get the most out of the treatment they just had.

1. Avoid The Sun

After the HIFU skin treatment, it is important for you to try to prevent yourself from exposure to sunlight and cold for a few weeks. The reason is that avoiding the sun will help to prevent hyperpigmentation and reduce the chance of sunburn and skin damage.

The use of sunblock cream is also encouraged, as this will help to prevent destructive ultraviolet light from the sun from directly touching the skin. This should be continued until the skin tightening process is completed.

2. Take a Break From Alcohol

Stop giving your liver excess work. Drinking alcohol should be avoided after the treatment. Alcohol makes your liver to do extra work. After the treatment procedure, your liver will be tasked with breaking down the deactivated fat. Consuming alcohol means that the liver now has to break down alcohol in addition to the deactivated fat.

Besides the fact that alcohol overworks your liver, it also reduces the density of your blood. The implications of less dense blood are that excessive bleeding may occur since blood clotting will be a challenge. Avoid drinking alcohol at all costs.

3. Don’t Scratch Your Skin

As sweet as scratching the body may be when itching, it is advisable not to scratch your skin after a treatment. At this time, your skin will be very sensitive, and scratching it puts you at the risk of skin damage. If you have scars, you are also advised to allow them to fall off naturally. Trying to remove them may lead to a large wound, which may lead to infection. Avoid scratching your skin after you must have had your treatment done.

4. Drink More Water

As they say, water is life. So after the HIFU treatment procedure, water should be your favourite drink. Water must come first before other beverages that you consume. Water will also help in your recovery by increasing the rate at which collagen is produced in the body. It’s in your best interest to keep your body hydrated, so drink as much water as possible.

5. Don’t Have Hot Showers or Baths

When taking your bath, use cold water as this will help keep the natural protective oil on your skin and also prevent skin irritation. If at all you must use hot water, you are better of using lukewarm water as this will facilitate the quick recovery of your skin. Always avoid hot showers regardless of your preference before now. At least until after, you must have been cleared to do so.

Aftercare Is Almost As Important As The HIFU Facelift Treatment Itself
The HIFU facelift treatment has changed a lot of lives for the better. However, not everyone who has undergone one of these life-changing treatments has gotten the most from it. Why? They do not take the aftercare treatments seriously. Get the most from your HIFU facelift treatment. Take the aftercare procedures seriously.

Have More Questions? Contact us now on 0488443500 and our highly knowledgable staff will be able to answer any question you may have!